Our Mission
For years, we have experienced loud mowers and blowers from landscaping companies coming into neighborhoods at early hours, waking up everyone, and spewing heavy gas emissions into the environment. With Electric Lawn, that changes. We use all-electric equipment and use carefully scheduled hours to ensure your lawn gets mowed while maximizing your neighborhood's peacefulness. Our electric tools let us get the job done all while helping our planet stay happy and healthy. We want to change the face of landscaping into a process that helps the environment, instead of hurting it.
Why Should You Switch?
As we are based out of Austin we know you care for the environment and the city you live in. Our lawn care services provide quiet, clean, and reliable care to keep your lawn looking its finest. Our lithium-ion-powered equipment provides the same quality cut as its gas counterparts without all of the noise and air pollution.
Why Electric?
A gasoline-powered lawn mower run for an hour puts out about the same amount of smog-forming emissions as 40 new automobiles run for an hour.
Weed Eater
Our fully electric weed eater knocks through weeds without any emissions as opposed to its two-stroke counterpart.
Our edger cuts clean edges every time, without the air pollution.
Our blower is 20% quieter than the competition so you don't have to get woken up, but the leaves stay off your lawn.
Did You Know?
The air pollution caused by cutting grass for one hour with a gas lawnmower is the same as a 100-mile trip by car. Many people are unaware of the severe impacts lawn care has on the environment. We’re here to change that. We want to bring awareness about the negative effects gas-powered landscaping has on the environment and make a change. ​